

Page history last edited by Pierluigi Pugliese 12 years, 10 months ago Saved with comment

AgileCoachCamp Germany 2012




Friday evening:


6-8pm   Arrival, socializing, and a meal, which is included in your hotel fee

8-9pm   Spontaneous 3 minute LightningTalks (optional, you can decide at the last moment)

9pm on  Socializing at the retreat centre




9:00am Opening the space in the plenary circle, building the agenda together

Sessions run all day, lunch around 12:00

Possible activities run in parallel to sessions: Archery, tba... 

5:00pm   Evening news in the plenary circle

Evening is free for adhoc sessions, collaborations or socializing




9:00am  Morning news in the plenary circle

Sessions run all day, lunch around 12:00

3:00pm Closing the space in the plenary circle and retrospective

4:30pm  Head home


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