
Taxi Sharing

Page history last edited by Sebastian Sanitz 12 years, 7 months ago

15:00h - 16:00h

Peter (proessler@chip.de): Will arrive at 15:34h at Aschaffenburg Main Station. Happy to share a taxi.


16:00h - 17:00h

Maik (maik.nogens at diazhilterscheid.de): I will arrive at Aschaffenburg HBF (Main) at 16:34 . Will take a cab as well and are open for sharing. I will most likely wear my CAT T-Shirt. :-)


17:00h - 18:00h

Sven (sven@agiletransparency.com): I will arrive at 17:34h at Aschaffenburg Main Station (assuming that the Deutsche Bahn is in time (*cough*)). Does anyone want to share a taxi to the venue? 

Hi, I (Birgit, bpanzram at gmail dot com) have posted my request in the car sharing section, too. I am arriving by train at 17:59. Happy to share a taxi!

Irene (irene_kuhn@gmx.de): I will arrive at 17:22 at Aschaffenburg (If I get my train in Frankfurt and trains are on time, ... ;-)) I'd share a taxi, too.

Sebastian - email: sebastian.sanitz@it-agile.de twitter: @Sanitz - I am arriving at 17:34 in Aschaffenburg - Looking forward to share a taxi! 


18:00h - 19:00h

Sebastian (mail -at sebastian-eichner.de , Twitter: @stdout): I will probably arrive with the ICE from Frankfurt at 18:34. Happy to share a taxi if you arrive 18:30-18:45.


19:00h - 20:00h

Comments (2)

Maik Nogens said

at 2:50 pm on Jun 21, 2012

Maik (maik.nogens at diazhilterscheid.de): I will arrive at Aschaffenburg HBF (Main) at 16:34 . Will take a cab as well and are open for sharing. I will most likely wear my CAT T-Shirt. :-)

Deborah Weber said

at 3:38 pm on Jun 22, 2012

My train will arrive at 16:50. I'll wait at the Taxi Station with a red suitcase. If someone of you notices me please say Hello :))

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